Mojang retires from old Minecraft Dungeons launcher

Mojang retires from old Minecraft Dungeons launcher

Minecraft dungeonsCustom Launcher on PC is stopped For the new “Unified Launcher” Lets start off Dungeons And the Minecraft: Java Edition From the same place Reducing the number of places you can play Maine Craft On one computer (via Windows Central).

Minecraft dungeons is being Loot collect loot from hacking and slashing Maine Craft That, until this change, it had its own trigger unless it was purchased from the Microsoft Store. As of January 18, the non-Microsoft Store version of Dungeons On PC, it can only be launched from the new Unified Launcher (which itself is a Java launcher update). Mojang says the change shouldn’t affect file saving and either Microsoft account (You will soon be prompted to play on PC) Or a Mojang account can be used to log into the player.

Calculation screen of the new standard Minecraft launcher.
Photo: Mojang

Here are the remaining ways and places to play Maine Craft On the computer after the changes:

  • Minecraft version for Windows 10 (Sometimes called Maine Craft or Minecraft: Bedrock Edition) Through the Microsoft Store.
  • Minecraft: Java Edition It’s managed through Unified Launcher, but you can also play without an update, for now.
  • Minecraft: Education Edition (The specialized version of the game for schools) is managed through its own launcher.
  • Minecraft dungeons (a Maine Craft Popup) either in Unified Launcher or Microsoft Store if you use Xbox Game Pass for PC or bought it from there.

The consolidation of the two firing place Maine Craft The games don’t do much to help get confused about the many types of Maine Craft, But anyone enjoy playing it alike Minecraft dungeons And the Minecraft: Java EditionNow, it’s a little more convenient.

You can learn more information about the change and how to download the new player at Mojang Maine Craft Help Center.

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