Elderly people waiting for a COVID vaccine are mistaken as ‘illegal delirium’

Elderly people waiting for a COVID vaccine are mistaken as ‘illegal delirium’

Jazers party.

Police officers rushed to a place in England to disperse what they believed was an illegal delirium – only to discover that it was a crowd of elderly people waiting to get a vaccine against the Coronavirus, according to the reports.

Worried neighbors called the police to report the possibility of revelers showing off the COVID-19 regulations outside the Jackson Hole event space before dawn Friday in Essex, according to the report. News echo.

And instead of retirees, policemen found retirees – some as young as 90, walking around on walking sticks – while they were in line to take shots.

“It was really funny when the police arrived that they were notified of a ‘ravings’ going on in Saxon Hole – only to find kids aged 80 to 90 in wheelchairs, Zimmer tires and walking sticks, and patiently queuing up to get in,” said Dennis Baum, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Saxon Hole for local outlets.

Essex Police quickly realized that there were more grandmothers than the luminous stick at the event, and helped direct traffic around the building, which is generally used for weddings and banquets.

“The mess was absolute and very cold [parking lot] Become a barrier with drivers over the age of 80, ”Boom said Harwich Standard and Manningtree. “The angry old men and the angry old women a lot.”

He added: “However, as a balancing act, many of the people who value the right of appreciation could not be more grateful to receive the vaccine.”

The calls that were wrongly reported that the secret party came after a nearby church was destroyed during an illegal New Year’s Eve rave.

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In this case, rave was featuring a DJ and porta-potties, and three people were caught

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